This award-winning feature starred Jeanne Balibar, and was a romantic drama about a traumatised war photographer’s quest to come to terms with what she’s seen. Using remote, beautiful, scenic and textured locations around West Wales, I tried to create an other-worldly environment where she would never be completely sure that what she was seeing was in peacetime.
Locations were both lyrical and ghostly, involving personal references to my own experience of war-zones. I really loved the script, and the way it dealt with culture-shock and the psychology of ‘coming home’.
As Designer, I particularly enjoyed the self-referential excuse to dust-down my old photographic passions, creating an image of the absent central character by presenting his ‘look’, his ‘habitat’ to the Camera Lens.
Contribution: As well as Production Designer, I picked up an Associate Producer credit for my involvement with partners Medecins Sans Frontiers, and my enlisting of local support for the project above and below The Line.