Country Manager
Occupying a key regional position as ‘Senior Country Representative’ for HOT in Uganda, and, through collaborations with Uganda Bureau of Statistics, Office of the Prime Minister, UNHCR, IOM(UN), and UNDP, initiating and legislating HOT’s first formal and legal entity as a Nationally-registered NGO in East Africa.
Active on multi-sector Working Groups (Site Planning, Energy and Environment, Spatial Data, Energy, Education, and Livelihoods), and representing HOT/Missing Maps on the national Ministry of Health Emergency Operations Committee, developing Ebola Data Resilience strategy for imminent outbreak following cross-border events in the DRC (Congo).
Interventions which have been designed include: ‘CrowdSourcing Non-Camp Refugee Data’ (USSD BPRM), ‘Uganda Open-Mapping Project’ (World Bank/OpenDRI), ‘Data for Resilience in Refugee Settings’ (GPSDD/GFDRR), and ‘Strengthening the Humanitarian Development Nexus in Responding to the South Sudanese Refugee Crisis in West Nile, Uganda’ (UNDP/Embassy of Japan).
National Geographic:
Journeyman Films:
World Bank: